Tibetan Singing Bowls Used In Healing


There are a lot of use known for singing bowls mainly for meditation and also a material used in healing. These are small circular bowls and are beaten like bells and they produce melodious sounds when played. Singing bowls are used in India, Nepal, and Bhutan although they are originally from Tibet. The singing bowls have been used by Tibetan Llamas for thousands of years already. But until the late 1950's when the Chinese invaded Tibet, the singing bowl that was considered to be a sacred apparatus and also was once kept as a secret was introduced to the world. Since then, the world has gained knowledge about the singing bowl slowly and more and more tribes and cultures have embraced the use of singing bowls as a part of their regular routines and incantations.


Unlike the usual sturdy singing bowls that are genuinely Tibetan, the ones sold on the market today are singing bowls that are made of three, four or five metals unlike the original design that is made from a mixture of seven different metals. The bowl's intention is to make deep relaxing tones for both the soul and the body and enhance the experience of deep meditation. It is said the tones produced by the singing bowl from this website gives a deep relaxing massage in every vibration to each of the cells present in your body. Attempting to reach the state of deep and complete relaxation is not hard with the aid of the singing bowl.


Healing the damaged or sick body is said to be done by the cellular massage provided by each vibration the singing bowl makes when placed near your body. Not only will you be relaxed by listening to the beat the singing bowl makes but also by beating or playing the singing bowl yourself also proves to be a relaxing activity.


It is known that the singing bowl can be played in two different ways. Striking the singing bowl with a mallet is the first method known. The second is to produce spontaneous melodic singing tones with the use of a wooden stuck that is then to be rubbed against the surface of the singing bowl. Singing bowls that are made with great quality can produce a lot of melodic tones that will complement to your mood when rubbed with the wooden stick along the outside of the singing bowl.


You can use the singing bowls from http://www.silverskyimports.com/ for a lot of reasons and you can use them in order to relax yourself from all the stress you are going through right now.